Our vision at Rockhampton Special School is every student achieving success which is underpinned by our three values of Respect, Positivity and Integrity. These values and beliefs are immersed across the school and embedded through the offering of a range of supports available for our students to be successful not only during their educational journey but also into their post schooling pathways.
Our students often participate in local community events including the ANZAC Day Parade, Sailors with disABILITIES, local athletics carnivals and regular visits to the local library, shopping centres, parks and sports facilities. Our senior secondary students thoroughly enjoy and are involved in work experience programs.
Students at Rockhampton Special School also have access to a range of technology to support learning. All classrooms have interactive whiteboards, individual students have access to alternative and augmentative communication systems and iPads are used to support student learning and communication.
Our school has a multi-sensory environment (Sensory Room) where students are able to access to assist them to desensitise from their world and provides opportunities for calming therapy. We also have a bicycle track, a secure playground and an oval to ensure students have access to gross motor, play and social skills. Some of the students also have access to a heated pool where students have specifically designed programs in consultation with the Physiotherapist.
As part of the school's wellbeing and engagement priorities, we have recently purchased a wellbeing dog for the school. Our wellbeing dog is utilised across all classrooms and supports students with emotional regulation, transitions and general wellbeing.
We thrive on networking and developing relationships with the parents and wider community. Our P&C are very active and provide avenues for parents to interact and be involved in school decision making processes.